domingo, 10 de marzo de 2019

Animal Farm: George Orwell.

Animal Farm

George Orwell

     Jones is the carer of the animals in Manor Farm. However, he treats them badly as he is always very drunk. The animals are sick of this and Old Major, the leader, starts a rebellion. They expel Jone in hope to start over again and have a better life.

      Soon after this, Napoleon, a boar now considered to be the leader of the farm, decides to name the farm "Animal Farm" and introduce seven commandments. Each day is getting worse and worse for the animals, and each day is getting better and better for the pigs. The seven commandments are fading away and the pigs abuse their political power. The animals did not know if they were more scared of their previous carer, a human, or their actual one, Napoleon.

     Animal Farm is one of the classic novels of English fiction, and, personally, I suggest reading this to whoever has interest of this type of theme.

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