viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018

Mi primera redacción de inglés nivel C1.

My first ever level C1 writing essay.


     You have received a letter from an English friend:

     My new job is great, and next month I get to travel on business. Guess what - I'm actually coming to your town for a week!

     I'll be free some evenings and one weekend. I want to make the most of this opportunity, so I'd like your advice, please: where to go, what to do, and why?



     Write your letter in reply. You do not need to include postal addresses. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style on a separate answer sheet.

My essay:

     Dear Chris,

     Thanks for the letter. Congratulations on the new job! I hope you like it, and what a coincidence you're going to my town!

     Almost all my life I've been here, in Baeza, and I still can't get enough of its beauty - so much so, in fact, I'm planning a job as being a tour guide here! It's even better that you're coming, having in mind that you've never been here. I just know you're going to get a much out of it as I do. A place to live is remarkably easy to find, as many people are out and renting their homes. Apart from a couple of grumpy neighbours, you'll be fine.

     In your free time, you can do many things, such as cycling, rafting, (there's a river a few hundred meters from the village) and, of course, watching monuments. I know that's your favourite thing to do. There are also three libraries. There are some very interesting books i recommend. You'd also be able to show off your cooking skills, only because I've seen some posters in town saying there's a tournament. The winner will get a big cooking kit!

     Iv'e suggested you do all these things because, as I've known you for quite a while, I know what you like. Oh! Almost forgot. The weather here is quite hot, however, I think all the splendid things you can do would make up for it, don't you think?

     To conclude, I think, or better said, I know that you'll have a great time here. Still, don't bring a coat!

     Write back soon and let me know what you think!

     All the best


                                                                                                                                  294 words.

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