Bienvenidos y bienvenidas a nuestro blog de aula. Esperamos que os guste este pequeño rincón de nuestra clase donde vamos a colocar, además de nuestros libros preferidos, muchas de las actividades que estamos realizando este curso. También podrás encontrar juegos, enlaces, textos, apuntes, ...
domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2018
sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2018
The Last guardian
Los futbolísimos : el misterio del robo imposible
Felipe y Alicia ya no son los entrenadores del Soto Alto . Han contratado a otro y vendrá al pueblo en unos dias.Cuando llegó metío a su hija en el colegio de Pakete y sus amigos. Alucinaron en cuanto la vieron jugar al fútbol , !Era buenísima !
Unos dias más tarde , llegó al pueblo la mundialmente famosa exposición: Tesoros del antiguo Egipto. Pero el dia de la inauguración robaron la joya más importante.
¿Quién habrá robado la joya?
Unos dias más tarde , llegó al pueblo la mundialmente famosa exposición: Tesoros del antiguo Egipto. Pero el dia de la inauguración robaron la joya más importante.
¿Quién habrá robado la joya?
viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018
Mi primera redacción de inglés nivel C1.
My first ever level C1 writing essay.
You have received a letter from an English friend:
My new job is great, and next month I get to travel on business. Guess what - I'm actually coming to your town for a week!
I'll be free some evenings and one weekend. I want to make the most of this opportunity, so I'd like your advice, please: where to go, what to do, and why?
Write your letter in reply. You do not need to include postal addresses. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style on a separate answer sheet.
My essay:
Dear Chris,
Thanks for the letter. Congratulations on the new job! I hope you like it, and what a coincidence you're going to my town!
Almost all my life I've been here, in Baeza, and I still can't get enough of its beauty - so much so, in fact, I'm planning a job as being a tour guide here! It's even better that you're coming, having in mind that you've never been here. I just know you're going to get a much out of it as I do. A place to live is remarkably easy to find, as many people are out and renting their homes. Apart from a couple of grumpy neighbours, you'll be fine.
In your free time, you can do many things, such as cycling, rafting, (there's a river a few hundred meters from the village) and, of course, watching monuments. I know that's your favourite thing to do. There are also three libraries. There are some very interesting books i recommend. You'd also be able to show off your cooking skills, only because I've seen some posters in town saying there's a tournament. The winner will get a big cooking kit!
Iv'e suggested you do all these things because, as I've known you for quite a while, I know what you like. Oh! Almost forgot. The weather here is quite hot, however, I think all the splendid things you can do would make up for it, don't you think?
To conclude, I think, or better said, I know that you'll have a great time here. Still, don't bring a coat!
Write back soon and let me know what you think!
All the best
294 words.
Tom Gates: A Tiny Bit Lucky. (Book 7)
Tom Gates
A Tiny Bit Lucky
First of all, dad is very unpredictable, and he has shown it by saying that he's going to make a kite for the family to get some fresh air. As if that weren't enough, Tom wants a dog, but, every rose has its thorn, and Delia's allergic to dogs, apparently. However, Tom and his best mate and next-door neighbour Derek, are planning to do some serious practice for the rock weekly band battle.They've got a lot of time, or do they...
En esta aventura Los Futbolísimos se enfrentarán contra el Ibyss, un nuevo colegio en el pueblo, por su plaza en la liga Intercentros. Por otra parte han llegado al colegio siete niños nuevos y, además todos ellos se han inscrito en las pruebas para entrar en el equipo del Soto Alto.

¿Qué pasará?
¿Ganará el Soto Alto al Ibyss?
Os lo recomiendo. A mí me ha encantado.

¿Qué pasará?
¿Ganará el Soto Alto al Ibyss?
Os lo recomiendo. A mí me ha encantado.
jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018
Tom Gates: Extra Special Treats. (Book 6)
Tom Gates
Extra Special Treats
Winter's approaching, and with it snow is coming. Day off school because of it. Yay! Unfortunately, Tom has to spend it with Marcus his literal best enemy. Apart from all the fuss about this, his uncle Kevin thinks it's a good time to have a family portrait. ¡Not with the fossils (Tom's grandparents)! Will Tom survive to see another day? Or will he get "snowed in"? Figure it out by yourself.
Starlink Battle for atlas
Este juego con trata de naves espaciales que puedes compara en las tiendas .Con trata de que un cientifico a prende hacer nova para ir al sistem atlas ,unos pilotos los con pañaron .
A mi me en catado eeste videojuego
First aid for when a person is choking.
Sometimes a piece of food can get stuck in our trachea, the tube we breathe through. This can obstruct our airway and make us choke. If you see someone choking, follow these simple steps:
1. Stand behind the person and pass your arms around their waist.
2. Make a fist with one hand. Hold your thumb towards the person's abdomen. Hold the fist tightly with your other hand.
3. Pull your fist quickly upwards and inwards, as shown in the picture. This forces the air out of the person's lungs. The air will push the piece of food out of the trachea.
Revision of how the digestive system works.

The Process:

The Process:
1. Digestion: the mouth, esophagus and stomach all help our body digest the food we eat.
2. Absorption: the small intestine absorbs the nutrients from the food. From the small intestine, the nutrients go into the blood.
3. Elimination: the large intestine and rectum transform the undigested food into solids called faeces.
The Parts:
1. Mouth: digestion starts in the mouth. The teeth crush the food and mix it with saliva.
2. Esophagus: the food travels down the esophagus to the stomach.
3. Stomach: in the stomach, the food mixes with gastric juices.
4. Liver: the liver produces a liquid called bile that helps break down the food.
5. Small intestine: the food goes into the small intestine. Here it mixes with bile from the liver. Nutrients are absorbed here and they pass into the blood.
6. Large intestine: the undigested food passes into the large intestine. There it's transformed into faeces.
7. Rectum: finally, the faeces pass through the rectum and leave the body through the anus.
miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2018
Revision of the how the respiratory system works.

The Process:
1. As we breathe in, air goes into our mouth and nose.
2. The air travels down the trachea into the bronchi.
3. The air passes from the bronchi into the bronchioles.
4. Oxygen is absorbed into the blood.
5. Carbon dioxide passes from the blood to the bronchioles.
6. We breathe out and expel carbon dioxide.
The Parts:
1. Mouth and nose: air enters the body through the mouth and the nose.
2. Vocal cords: as air passes our vocal cords, they vibrate and enable us to speak.
3. Trachea: this long, rigid tube connects our mouth and nose to our two bronchi. Air travels down the trachea into the bronchi.
4. Bronchi: these two smaller tubes connect the trachea to the lungs.
5. Lungs: these two large bags are connected to the bronchi. The bronchi branch into millions of smaller tubes, or bronchioles, here in the lungs.
6. Bronchioles: these are smaller tubes inside the lungs. At the end of each bronchiole, there are tiny sacs called alveoli. The air we breathe goes into these tiny sacs and then passes into blood vessels with surround them.
Tom Gates: Genius Ideas. (Book 4)
Tom Gates
Genius Ideas
As time goes by, life is more difficult for Tom Gates. That's all true until Tom brainstorms some ingenious, cool and problem-solving ideas to deal with them bad things. Marcus Meldrew, the most annoying kid in the world, likes to think he has good ideas. However, they are mostly, to not say everyone, because they are all rubbish. I'll give you a clue of what Delia, Tom's sister does every once in a while. HAIR DISASTER. That's enough clues for now. Check out the book, of course!
Tom Gates: Tom Gates Is Absolutely Fantastic. (Book 5)
Tom Gates
Is Absolutely Fantastic
In this absolutely fantastic book, Tom, apart from doing other things you will like, of course, will go to a trip, a three-day trip, to be precise. Delia, not surprisingly, is looking forward to his brother going to a trip, so she can have the whole house for herself. With difficulties all around the house, like the trip form, or midnight feasts, Tom is going to have to be prepared for that. Will he manage to do it? Read for yourself.
Tom Gates

El y su amigo Derek y cieron una vanda de musica llamada los lobozombis
Un día Tom y su familia tu bieron un día de mala suerte
¿Que pasara con Tom?
¿Que pasara con su grupo?
Este libro es muy gracioso si te interesa coge el
libro y a leer

¿Que pasara can los amigos?
¿Que sera ese des teyo?
Este libro me a en catado y si te interesa coge el libro y a leer
martes, 25 de diciembre de 2018
Un ataque siembra el caos en el Reino Trébol. Con el fin de proteger a los ciudadanos, Asta y los demas caballeros se enfrentaran a los responsables del atentado, una organización que se la tiene jurada al reino. Sin embargo la situación adquir
io un carisma inspirador
¿quien ganará la batalla¿que le pasar a Asta y sus amigos?
Este libro me a encantado si te interesa coge el libro y a leer
io un carisma inspirador
¿quien ganará la batalla¿que le pasar a Asta y sus amigos?
Este libro me a encantado si te interesa coge el libro y a leer
jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018
miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018
Tom Gates: Everything's Amazing. (Book 3)
Tom Gates
Everything's Amazing
Yet again, another best-selling Tom Gates book makes its appearance. In this thick but entertaining book, you meet Rooster, Derek's dog, who's going to the local dog show. Granny Mavis, as well, who has a very strange taste in food. For instance, she likes to put chips in muffins... ¡Yuck! And to finish it off, Marcus Meldrew's keeping getting Tom into trouble because of his rubbish, I repeat, rubbish dance moves. It's up to you to see the rest of the amusing book.
Tom Gates: Excellent Excuses. (Book 2)
Tom Gates
Excellent Excuses
In the second book of the brilliant Tom Gates series, Tom is trying to get to the top of Mr. Fullerman's award chart. It's proving quite tricky to get to it, as Marcus Meldrew, the most annoying person in the world, is cheating. Besides that, his tooth is aching a lot, so it's difficult to concentrate in class. Finally, he keeps getting sidetracked doing interesting things, such as bug catching, swimming, and, of course, annoy his sister Delia.
martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018
lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2018
domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2018
The Brilliant World of Tom Gates. (Book 1).
The Brilliant World of Tom Gates ( Book 1)
Another series of books, called Tom Gates is out now! Tom, a boy with an ability to draw very well, writes his life in a book. To give you a head start, some characters include Delia, Tom's grumpy sister, Marcus, the most annoying person inn the world (and also an idiot) and Mrs. Wothington, who has a moustache. Try not to stare at it for more than 32 seconds. The rest of the content of this book is up to you to read!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Do-It-Yourself-Book!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid:
With the wimpy kid do-it-yourseelf-book, you're the author, illustrator and main character! You can do whatever you want with it! Complete with comics, personal ideas, phtographs of your preference, when you're rich and famous you can have something to brag about! Just don't put in an obvious spot, just in case any curious dumb guy wants to see it...
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Movie.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid:
The Movie
Have you ever wondered how the wimpy kid movie was made? If so, you're in luck. The revised and complete with photographs, scripts and other cool stuff, the book explains how the "bestselling" movie was made. In fact, it tells how the three movies were made, so make sure to read it if you're keen of movies, especially this one.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 13: The Meltdown.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 13:
The Meltdown
Winter has begun, and with it Greg's middle is shut down due to the snow. His neighbourhood transforms into a wintry battlefield. Like savage animals, kids defend, conquer and destroy territory, building forts, igloos made of snow. Dumping trash cans full of slush... And in the crosshairs, there they are, Greg and his loyal friend, Rowley Jefferson.When the snow clears, will Greg and Rowley emerge as heroes? Or will they be trapped in the snow forever?
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 12: The Getaway.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 12:
The Getaway
Greg and his family are going to "paradise". With the cold weather and the anxiety to be in some hotter weather, the Heffleys go to a small island called "Isla de Corales", where, supposedly, they will relax. However, the Heffleys discover that paradise isn't everything it's cracked up to be. Sun poisoning, venomous creatures and soda-drinking slugs try to ruin the family's vacation. Will they manage to get over with it? You'll only know if you read it.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 10: Old School.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid:
Old School
Life was better in the old days. Or was it? That's the question that's been driving Greg Heffley crazy. His town unplugs and goes a whole weekend without technology. Apart from that, Greg tries to earn some well-deserved money from a lemonade shop he built. Will he do it? But, for the final touch, he has to go to Hardscrabble Farms, a place where it is confirmed to be "hell". Will this true nightmare defeat Greg, or will he, on the contrary, rise and defeat his problems? Read it... If you can...
sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2018
viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018
jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018
miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2018
Los espaguetis: Le spaghettis
El arroz: le riz
La Naranja: l`orange
Las patatas fritas: les frites
La pera: la poire
La manzana: la pomme
Las galletas: les biscuits
El pan: le pain
El limón: le citron
El pescado: le poisson
El plátano: la banane
El queso: le fromage
los guisantes: les petits pois
el pollo: le poulet
la salchicha: la soucisse
los huevos: les oeufs
el tomate: le tomate
la leche: le lait
la sopa: la soupe
El arroz: le riz
La Naranja: l`orange
Las patatas fritas: les frites
La pera: la poire
La manzana: la pomme
Las galletas: les biscuits
El pan: le pain
El limón: le citron
El pescado: le poisson
El plátano: la banane
El queso: le fromage
los guisantes: les petits pois
el pollo: le poulet
la salchicha: la soucisse
los huevos: les oeufs
el tomate: le tomate
la leche: le lait
la sopa: la soupe
Familia de palabras: conjunto que tiene la misma raíz.
Noche: anochecer, anoche, anteanoche, medianoche...
Campo semántico: conjunto de que tienen una parte de su significado en común.
Planetas: mercurio, venus, tierra, marte, júpiter, saturno...
Utensilios de la cocina: cuchillo. tenedor, sartén, cuchara, plato,olla..
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